Thirteen Things to Remember Just Before and During an Exam

illustration of three pieces of paper with writing on them below the words 13 Exam Tips in white text.

The last few days before an exam can be extremely stressful. However, with some careful planning you can reduce that stress considerably. Here's how:
1. It is recommended that you do not try to study the night before the exam. It is highly unlikely you will learn anything new and it is likely to make you more anxious. Plan to do something that you enjoy such as reading a book, watching a film etc. Try not to think about the exam.

2. The day before the exam pack a bag with the things that you need. Do you need to supply your own pens and pencils? What about any other equipment? Can you take a bottle of water into the exam room? If you are allowed to, pack one. Other things that might be useful to pack include tissues, snacks, reading glasses (if you need them) etc. If you need to carry any medication with you make sure you put it in your bag.

3. Make sure that you have any important documentation you need. You may need to take a letter with details of the exam and your candidate number. Do you need to supply proof of your identity? If so, have you got the right documents? Make sure that you have all of these documents packed safely in your bag the night or the day before.

4. You should have already planned your journey to the exam centre, but the day before your exam it is wise to double check that you are sure of the location and start time of the exam. If you are using public transport, have you checked the timetables? If you are travelling by car, have you planned the route? Trying to find an unfamiliar location on the day of your exam will only add to the stress. It is wise to check the traffic reports before you set off to see if there are likely to be any roadworks or other causes of delay. Work out how long your journey is likely to take and then add extra time to allow for any problems such as roadworks or problems finding a parking space. You might find it helpful to have a friend or a family member drive you to the exam centre and then drop you off rather than having to worry about driving yourself. If your exam starts at a very early time and you have a long distance to travel, it might be worthwhile staying overnight in a hotel near the test centre. If you have family or friends in the area you could arrange to stay with them.

5. Choose the clothes you will wear the night before. Make sure that you pick comfortable clothing. Remember you will be sitting and writing for long periods of time, so comfort is an important consideration. Wearing layers is advisable. You will not have control over the temperature of the exam room so you need to be able to add or take off layers so that you are not too cold and not too hot. Have everything you plan to wear ready to put on so that you are not trying to find anything in the morning. It is vital that you have a watch so that you are on time for each exam and it will also help you to monitor your time in the exam.

6. Do you take any routine medication? If so, put it in a place where you will see it and remember to take them. Sometimes stress can cause a person to forget to take their medicine. You do not want to have a medical emergency in the exam because you have forgotten to take essential medication. A lot of school exams take place in the summer months when people suffer from hay fever or other seasonal allergies. Some treatments can cause drowsiness or other problems that could affect your performance. Have you got the right medication and have you taken into consideration any side effects?

7. A good night's sleep is vital before the exam. Aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol in the evening as it will interrupt your sleep. Try not to use electronic devices for a couple of hours before bedtime. Maybe take a warm bath or have a warm milky drink to help you relax. Make sure you set your alarm for an early time so that you are not in a rush in the morning. Put your alarm clock on the other side of the bedroom so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off.

8. Plan to have a good breakfast in the morning. Make sure that you schedule enough time to eat your breakfast slowly. You will perform much better in the exam if you have "fuel in the tank". Ideally, you should eat a breakfast that is a mixture of complex, unrefined carbohydrates and good quality protein. This combination will help you to stay fuller for longer and to avoid slumps in energy. Be aware that caffeine can make some people more anxious, it can also cause an upset stomach and is might make you want to go to the toilet more. You do not want to have to waste time in the exam going to the toilet. Do you have a series of exams over the course of a day? If so, it would be wise to prepare a packed lunch to take with you. There may be no opportunity to purchase food at the exam centre. Even if there is a place to purchase food you may find that there are long queues and that you have little time between exams.

9. Leave the house on time. Aim to get to the exam centre at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam time. Make sure that you go to the toilet before you go into the exam.

10. When in the exam listen very carefully to any instructions you are given. Read the instructions on the exam paper thoroughly. Make sure that you put your personal details such as your name, date of birth and candidate number in the correct spaces.

11. Once you have left the exam room try to forget about the exam. This is especially important if you have other exams to complete. Dwelling on the previous exam will stop you focusing on your next exam. If you speak to other candidates, avoid discussing the exam you have just done as it may create unnecessary anxiety. Similarly, it might be wise not to talk about the other exams you have still to take.

12. You should not try to study for the next exam while you are waiting to enter the exam room. Last minute studying is unlikely to help you. Use the time in between exams to try to relax. If you need to, go to the toilet, have a drink or eat a snack.

13. Once you have completed all of your exams, try to do something enjoyable. Do your best not to worry about the results!
