Fifteen Tips to Help You Deal with Exam Stress and to Develop Better Study Skills

Cartoon image of a person with their head in a laptop and an open book. their hands setting at a desk with

Many students, in the days and weeks leading up to an exam, experience great anxiety and stress. Here are some practical steps learners can take to help to minimise the worry:

1. Make a list of all the activities you have done to prepare for the exam. This will give you a balanced perspective of how much study you have done so far. Hopefully, you will realise that you are more prepared than you thought you were.

2. Write an action plan of what you would do if you failed to get the marks you needed in the exam. This will help you realise that there may be other options and doing this will help take some pressure off you.

3. Make a list of skills or topics that are strengths and weaknesses. Then try to balance your study time so that you focus more time on your weaknesses. Many people only want to focus on what they find easy or what they can do well but you need to focus more on your weaknesses.

4. Think about the time of day when you are most alert and receptive to taking in information. Are you a morning person, and afternoon person or an evening person? Aim to schedule your study sessions for the time of day when you learn best.

5. Don't study for too long. With studying, little and often can be more effective than one long study session. You need to work out your optimum length of study time. Here's how to work it out: when you are studying take note of the time when you start studying and the time when you begin to get tired and when you stop remembering and see how long you have been studying for. Try to do this several times (3-5 times) and then calculate the average and then try to only study for that length of time before taking a break. When taking your break do set a time to return to your studies.

6. Make sure that you have a written study plan. Write down how much time you will study certain subjects or work on certain skills and when you will study them. Make sure that write down other commitments such as work, family responsibilities.

7. Don't be afraid to review your study plan. You may find that you want to spend more or less time than you originally planned on an area of study or that the time of day is not convenient for you.

8. Most people learn most effectively in a quiet place. Make sure that the room you study in is quiet, well lit and at the right temperature. Check that you have all the equipment you need such as desk or table and a comfortable chair plus all your study tools such as notes, dictionaries and text books.

9. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. If you are tired you will not take in and retain information. Try not to watch TV or use computers or phones after 8 or 9 pm. Aim to go to bed at about 9 pm and try to read a book that is not too exciting.

10. Try not to drink tea or coffee in the afternoon or evening. This can cause you to become over-stimulated and make you more anxious. It can also make you have sleep problems.

11. If you are having problems sleeping try to keep your bedroom cool and as dark and quiet as possible. Make a rule of no technology or work in bed.

12. Try to make sure that you are eating a balanced diet. Eating complex, unrefined carbohydrates and good quality protein should help you to concentrate when studying and you will feel less tired and have balanced blood sugar levels.

13. Exercise is a great stress reliever. Make sure you take time to exercise. Try to take a short walk each day in the fresh air. It will help you to relax.

14. Schedule regular times to relax and unwind. You need to balance your periods of studies with some fun activities.

15. It's good to talk! Talking through your worries with family, friends and teachers can help. Don't be afraid to tell people how you are feeling or to ask for help.

If you find these tips helpful please post a comment. If you have any study tips that you would like to share, feel free to post in the comments box.


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